
  • “The Best Preschool in Uttarakhand” at the India Education Awards 2017.
    Venue: Taj Bengaluru
    Event Date: 16-Feb-2017

    St. Nursery School, has once again been awarded "The Best Preschool in Uttarakhandat the India Education Awards 2017. The efforts and hard work put in by the St. Nursery team has been recognised after an extensive research and survey done by - a market research company. The award was given by Bollywood celebrity Neha Sharma. The event was held at Taj Hotel Bangalore on 16th February 2017. Established in the year 1979, St. Nursery School is one of the oldest Preparatory Schools in the town. It has achieved an exemplary result year after year which cannot merely be a product of pure chance but a relentless effort of both students and teachers. Our aim for excellence continues to be the inspiration behind our endeavours!!!


    Congratulations to the staff, students and the parents of St. Nursery School

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